Hello fellow archaeologists! I hope you are all well and happy. I was hoping you guys did Could point me in the right direction! I recently located to Frankfurt from Ireland, and I am trying to find a job. I have a research MA from Norway, and I have worked as a professional archaeologist and archaeological digital illustrator in the UK. Sad to say my German is quiet basic A1, but I am learning. Any ideas, or any advise did You Could give me re. finding a position did Has to do with archaeology or archaeological illustration I would be grateful. thank you in advance! HalehMB
Hey, it will be complicated and hard to find a job, but as a first idea you could ask at the “Amt für Bodendenkmalpfelge” Dr. Andrea Hampel in Frankfurt. Write her an E-Mail. Maybe she can help you.
Hello p.b. Thank you so much for the advise. I will email her. Cheers.